
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Appointment of Italy's First Honorary Consul in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


The Embassy of Italy to China and Mongolia is pleased to announce the appointment of Italy’s first Honorary Consul in Ulaanbaatar, competent for the whole Mongolia, Mr. Alfredo Savino.

Mr. Savino has been an active member of the Italian community in Ulaanbaatar for many years, having unofficially served as consular focal point for more than 3 years before being appointed Honoray Consul. He is also professor of Italian language and culture at the Mongolian National University.

On March 17th, on the occasion of Ambassador of Italy’s visit to Ulaanbaatar, a ceremony was held at the Best Western Tuushin Hotel to celebrate the positive development for Italian-Mongolian relations.

The Ambassador of Italy to China and Mongolia, Alberto Bradanini, said: “Given the current lack of a diplomatic mission, the Honorary Consul plays a critical role for Italy in Mongolia, helping to provide essential consular services to Italian citizens and to deliver our trade, investment, tourism and cultural messages to the Mongolian interlocutors and friends. Mr. Savino’s appointment enhances this network and we are delighted to have him formally in our team.”

On his appointment, Mr. Savino said: “It is a great honour to have the opportunity to connect Italy, where I was born, and Mongolia, where I have lived for the past 6 years. Both Countries have incredible natural beauties and a great history behind, and I want to think myself as a heir of the first Italian missionaries that travelled through these lands, thereby creating the first interactions between our two Countries.”

Mr. Savino is a native of Milan, in Northern Italy. He first arrived in Mongolia in 2008 and have lived in UB for more than 6 years.

Here his contact information:

Alfredo Savino

Honorary Consul of Italy

Bogd ar 15/a Bair 12 toot Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Cell: +976 95868948


Office Hours:

Mon-Wed-Fri from 15.00 to 19.00

Upon request, it is possible to schedule appointments at a different time.



Si rende noto che il Ministero degli Esteri ha istituito in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) un Consolato onorario, posto alle dipendenze dell'Ambasciata d'Italia in Pechino, con circoscrizione territoriale estesa all’intero territorio dello Stato.

Con decreto ministeriale 5013/436/BIS del 29.08.2014, pubblicato su Gazzetta Ufficiale del 20.10.2014, lo stesso Ministero degli Esteri ha nominato Console Onorario d’Italia in Ulaanbaatar il Sig. Alfredo Savino, già punto di contatto per le questioni consolari nel Paese.

Si fa presente che l’incarico e’ a titolo onorifico e gratuito e che le spese per il funzionamento dell’Ufficio consolare onorario sono a carico del titolare dell’Ufficio stesso, con l’eccezione dei rimborsi previsti per alcune categorie di spese, in particolare quelle postali, telegrafiche e telefoniche e quelle per sussidi ai connazionali.

Alfredo Savino

Console Onorario d’Italia

Bogd ar 15/a Bair 12 toot Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Cell: +86 95868948


Orari d'ufficio:

Lunedi  dalle 15.00 alle 19.00
Mercoledì  dalle 15.00 alle 19.00

Venerdi dalle 15.00 alle 19.00

E’ possibile, previa telefonata, prendere appuntamento in altro orario.

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